Saturday, August 18, 2007

H is for Home

The thought of home has been on my mind a lot today. Not that I'm having a bad time in Texas with my family or anything because I'm enjoying my self very much. It's just that my trip is coming quickly to an end and I will be heading home shortly. Growing up I didn't always know where home was for me. We moved an awful lot and I was always trying to find my place in the world. It wasn't until we moved to Maryland that I truly felt at home. At first it didn't feel like home to me because it was all so new but after settling in and making some roots (pronounced ruts) I can definitely say that I really feel at home in Maryland. I've been able to invest my life in people here and it's been such a great blessing to get to know as many people as I have here. My family has grown tremendously since moving here and our relationships continue to develop and grow here.

As much as I love my home in Maryland I also know that it is not and will not be my home forever. My Mom grew up much the same way I did, never staying any place for very long and I like how she puts the situation into perspective best. She says that her home is in Heaven and that each of these temporary residences are just one step closer to her eternal destination. I agree with Mom that my home is in Heaven, but I also thank God for the home that he has given me on earth.

Now for other H's........

* I like to help people out (more than I like to help myself sometimes)

* I love to hike!

* Hair is not a big priority of mine (I try to brush it once a day, but that's pretty much the extent of it, I know....... shameful).

* I really love a good hug. You know the kind that let you know that you are loved! My Grandmother actually cracked a rib of my Grandfather's one time she hugged him so tight. Now that's what I'm talking about!


Julie Bungard said...

Hey Harmony,
I love your idea of using the alphabet to describe yourself and what's happening around you. Believe it or not, I have posted a blog again. I have been so out of touch. I really enjoyed your writing. You should really persue this gift.
Love ya!

Elizabeth Bradley said...


Just wondering if you (and your family) have had a chance to download the pics from your mom and dad's wedding. I was going to remove the album to make room for more, but didn't want to if you still needed it. Please let me know whenever you get a


The Lourceys said...

Hey Harm. I wanted to let you know that Rob and I started a blog. It's I hope you're doing well. I always check your page to see what's going on but you haven't updated in a while. Talk to you soon. Love.
