Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Slor Fest 2007

So what have I been up to lately? Well other than being completely weird because of medications from my wisdom teeth removal surgery (yea I guess I did act a little weird, but I just thought it was my everyday normal kind of weird, apparently it was a bit more than that from the accounts I hear from my friends), and sleeping a lot because they made me sleepy, I've been working with my friends on a sled! Not just any sled though. You see this sled is a giant whale sled with a mini boat to go with it. We are making this sled to enter in the Cedar Ridge Wild and Wacky Card Board Sled Derby.

Here are a few photos of our work in progress.

All of the helpers include: Karla, Matt, Dustin, Joel, Amy, Katie, and then there's me.

You have to be careful with this whale because it has teeth and likes to eat people that say "glorious day" all the time. Joel was it's first victim. His memorial service will be held this Sunday at 2pm at Whitetail ski resort where we will also be holding the sled race at the same time. Once we've finished racing we're going to be cutting the whale open to retrieve his remains. I know it will be a sad day but it should also be a day to celebrate the going home of our dear friend.

Hope to see you there (whoever you are)!

Monday, February 19, 2007


This a a few of my favorite pictures that I have found of flickr recently. There are a lot of amazingly talented people on there! Click on picture for a larger view.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Winter Wonderland

This winter has been a strange one indeed. It started out with record highs and now we're down to record lows. They even had a two hour delay for local schools the other day because it was too cold (with wind chills of -17 degrees!). Anyways I came home today to work on my car before Bible study and to my astonishment the creek was covered in ice.

This being my parents first winter at the Creekhouse, we'd never experienced anything like this. Last year around this time I was taking my friends kayaking down the creek. I must say that although it is cold it is still beautiful to behold. I am thankful for the winter weather and have enjoyed seeing snow around here lately (even though it doesn't last for very long). Now all we need is a really good snow to go sledding with.

Here are a few other pictures of the creek that we have come to call home.

It's really quite fun when the fog is out in full force here (that is if you're not driving around in it of course).

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Wedding bells are ringing!

This is my baby sister. I can remember holding her and feeding her as a baby as well as changing her diapers. Then when she began to crawl she would climb up onto anything and everything, including the couch to look out the window. We couldn't leave any of the animal food out where she could get to it because she'd eat their food instead of her own. As she got a bit older we would play school togehter and I would help her learn to read and write. We were play pals growing up and I can remember sometimes tickling her and trying to make her laugh so hard the she'd begin to cry (sorry about that). Okay so I wasn't exactly the greatest older sister but I just wanted to make her smile. My favorite memory of when we were younger was when all three of us would sneak out into the hallway in the middle of the night and huddling together in front of the heater. We would sprawl out on the floor and just fall asleep there all together 'til morning when mom or dad found us all lying there.

Well now she's growing up so fast I can't believe it. She's married! I can't quite come to grips with it all yet because I still want to protect my sister from all the bad things out there in the world. I want to keep her close to me and not let her get hurt by anyone or anything. Now that she's married it's going to be a bit more difficult to come over early in the morning and jump on her bed to wake her up so we can talk. Or have that time with her late at night while everyone's sleeping to goof around. She's got someone else to do these things with her now.

My new brother, Caleb, is someone that I am looking forward to getting to know through the coming years. I know that he will take good care of my sister (because if he doesn't he has two very protective sisters to deal with:) and love her. These two youngin's have so much yet in life to learn and they are blessed to have eachother, along with two very loving supportive families, to help them out along the way. I hope and pray that God will bless them both in this new life together and that they will always put Him first in their relationship.

It's been a while

I know I haven't written on here in a long time but I didn't realize until today that it had been almost two months! Well, I'll post a little bit on what's happened in my life in the past two months as well as what's going currently too (for whoever it is that may be reading this blog of mine). I'm just really slow at getting into this on-line journal thing but I really want to be able to keep up with this so bear with me.

Thanks for your patience!