Saturday, August 18, 2007

H is for Home

The thought of home has been on my mind a lot today. Not that I'm having a bad time in Texas with my family or anything because I'm enjoying my self very much. It's just that my trip is coming quickly to an end and I will be heading home shortly. Growing up I didn't always know where home was for me. We moved an awful lot and I was always trying to find my place in the world. It wasn't until we moved to Maryland that I truly felt at home. At first it didn't feel like home to me because it was all so new but after settling in and making some roots (pronounced ruts) I can definitely say that I really feel at home in Maryland. I've been able to invest my life in people here and it's been such a great blessing to get to know as many people as I have here. My family has grown tremendously since moving here and our relationships continue to develop and grow here.

As much as I love my home in Maryland I also know that it is not and will not be my home forever. My Mom grew up much the same way I did, never staying any place for very long and I like how she puts the situation into perspective best. She says that her home is in Heaven and that each of these temporary residences are just one step closer to her eternal destination. I agree with Mom that my home is in Heaven, but I also thank God for the home that he has given me on earth.

Now for other H's........

* I like to help people out (more than I like to help myself sometimes)

* I love to hike!

* Hair is not a big priority of mine (I try to brush it once a day, but that's pretty much the extent of it, I know....... shameful).

* I really love a good hug. You know the kind that let you know that you are loved! My Grandmother actually cracked a rib of my Grandfather's one time she hugged him so tight. Now that's what I'm talking about!

Friday, August 17, 2007

G is for Gone

Yes, I am gone. Gone to Texas that is. I'm visiting my sister and her husband and baby in Texas for a week, helping them to get settled into their new apartment. Today we finished setting up the baby's room and tomorrow we're going to get some dressers and finish getting their room put together. The part of Texas where I am visiting (Fort Hood), looks an awful lot like one giant strip mall. I hadn't seen anything but stores in Texas until today when Symphony and I got lost on an adventure. We were trying to find a Thrift shop where we could hopefuly get a good price on a dresser for them when we found ourselves out in the farmland of texas. It was actually very nice to see and the trees are much different here. We saw some farms with cows, goats, and donkeys. We never did find the thrift shop on our adventure but it was enjoyable none the less just to see a different side of Texas than I had seen before.
Symphony chillin' in the morning.

The reality of motherhood. Exhausted 75% of the time.
Not entirely true but show anyone this picture while saying that and they'll believe you.

We're going to visit Colorado Bend State Park while I'm visiting and possibly some other parks. We're just kind of chillin' though and getting her settled here as much as possible. What with changing doctors for her and Joy, and getting her a new library card I'm sure we'll have plenty to do the whole time.

as for the letter G...
* Symphony has a Gnome!
* I've been known to be very goofy
* and grumpy
* I don't really enjoy chewing gum (it makes me feel like a cow, and it gets tiresome).
* Oh and I'm very gullible.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

F is for Fire

This past year has definitely been a big one for me when it comes to fire. I've had more experiences with fire this year than I have in my entire lifetime. You see, it all began with taking a course in Ceramics. The various ways in which you can burn things to make them beautiful had never been revealed to me before. It all started with raku and gradually built up to a woodburning kiln where I singed my bangs off (at a mere 1280 degrees F).

There's also been lots of bonfires with friends. One in particular in which we built a fire so high it was over the roof of my friends parents house. The Thorpe's are a really laid back couple and really cool to hang out with, but I think we freaked them out with the fire that we built there that day. The biggest disappointment though, was not being able to burn slor nino.

* I don't know what I would do without my family and friends
* My sister thinks I am some sort of Free-Spirited Freak (Melody that is:).
* Oh and Fudge rocks!
* Then there's my Faith......

Growing up I thought that my faith needed to be tested so that I would know that I truly had faith. I used to wish that I could just go off on the road with absolutely nothing and just rely on God for all of my needs. I figured that I could drive off with a full tank of gas and where ever I ran out I'd find someplace to work or some one who needed some help and we'd sort of trade for things that I needed. I'd trade helping someone mow their lawn or weed their garden for a meal or me, some gas for my car, or a place to stay the night. I'd go to church wherever I found myself and tell people my story. I don't know how well this would have built my faith in Christ but for the longest time I thought that I had to do something daring to get an opportunity where I would have to rely on God and test my faith.

Our world is a world where we think we don't need God most of the time. We have plenty of money and resources and lots of people to help us out in a scrape (well I do anyways). I guess I felt like I had to be without to truly experience the kind of faith I'd always read or heard about. I never took my grand adventure (even though I still wish to do it sometimes, for different reasons), but I learned that faith is something that can be obtained if you simply ask for it. It can be given to even those who have everything they physically need. While I know whom I believe in, it also doesn't hurt to have a fire to know him more breathin inside of us every moment. I truly hope to know him more every moment of everyday. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not one of those saints who can actually achieve these kind of goals in their daily life but I wish to be able to live up to them.
Lord, help me to know you closer every day. Help my eyes and ears to be open to your voice and our spirit, and to never doubt that it is You speaking to me.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

E is for Eyes

* My eyes are uneven. No really, one eye-lid is bigger than the other. Not that it's a big deal or anything it's just the way it is. I know random and weird but I'm running out of things to say about myself. Either that or it's beginning to weird me out. I'm such a boring topic.
* I love looking at interesting pictures of peoples eyes.
* I'm pretty Easy-going. You almost have to be in this life with all of the troubles that are thrown at you on a daily basis. My motto is "No Worries" though. Now of course I didn't come up with it all on my own, I've borrowed it from the Australians, or for the young one's The Lion King.
* Just finished a bible study on Ecclesiastes and I hope to do a study of Ephesians next.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

D is for Day

Do you ever feel like you can accomplish so much more during the day time as opposed to the night? I think I've created in my mind some sort of theory that once it becomes dark the fun begins and you don't have to DO anything until it's daylight again. This of course is simply an illusion. I know that some people can get so much more accomplished at night but for me I get too preoccupied with wanting to sleep when the sun goes down (granted not immediately after the sun goes down). I don't see how people can stay up all night to finish papers or projects for school or work. I'm not saying I've never done it before because believe me I have more times than I'd like to admit.

* I am also quite the Dreamer. I have all of these crazy ideas that I think would be super cool (yes I just said super cool, and no I'm not 14 yrs old), it's just that reality sets in and tells me that they would be absolutely difficult to do. Like that stops me though.
* There's too many Depressing things that begin with the letter D. For example, depressed, distraught, down, dunce, dope, distressed, dumb, doubt, dork, duck, etc.
* I grew up reading about Dufflepuds
* Shasta Daisies are probably my favorite flower ever (well at least one of them, it's so hard to choose from all of the beautiful varieties). I really want to plant some for cutting next year!
* For now I am Done and going to bed.

Monday, August 06, 2007

C is for Community

I have been truly blessed to be a part of a community of friends and family that are always there for me (and of which some are cardboard). These pictures don't even begin to describe the many people in my life that I care about they just have the most in each picture. We share our faith and our lives together going on adventures and putting up with each other quite tolerably.

* I love cameras (which is why it's really hard for me right now without a camera until I get mine repaired), especially capturing life with it

* I planted about 16 tomato plants in my garden this year and found out alter that about 10 of them Cherry Tomato plants (I must read signs more clearly, good thing my mother loves them)
* The first author I remember reading and one I continue to read and enjoy is C. S. Lewis
* I was a Ceramics intern for a year

* Color combinations make me insanely happy
* I can draw a mean stick cow
* Most importantly I am a Child of God and I daily try to live a life that is Christ centered

Sunday, August 05, 2007

B is for Balance

I've constantly been trying to find some sort of Balance in my life. I have been blessed to be named a name as beautiful as Harmony but I have to admit that sometimes it's downright hard to life up to. I struggle with balancing my thoughts and what I want to do with what I actually do. This past month has been incredibly difficult for me in figuring out what my next step is in life. I've finished school and have moved back home. Adjusting to that has been alright. I still have to find a job though and I'm not entirely sure what I'm waiting for. I've applied to one place so far but to no avail. There are a few others that I'm interested in I'm just not sure how well they would fit into my life right now.

I've been working since I was 10 and I've always done any job that came to me. I've done paper routes, data entry, stocking grocery shelves, retail, babysitting, mowing lawns, cleaning construction sites, renovating houses, making costumes, teaching at camps and waitressing. Now all of these jobs have been great experience for me and I can truly say that I enjoyed them all (most aspects of them anyways), it's just that I've never actually done a job that I've searched for or sought out that had to do with my interests and degree. I guess I am just ready to do something that I have been training for all this time now. The only thing is that I don't exactly know what that is. What I do know is that I love working with kids and art and if I could combine these two that would be wonderful. I would love to teach but I don't really care to work in the public school system. I would love to start my own school of Art for home schoolers. I'm just not sure if I want to start out doing something so unstable and risky. I don't know if anything like this already exists in my community and if not how to start one.

While I am still searching for a job I've been helping my Dad out with some work on the properties. I've also been teaching some girls from my church how to quilt and that has been an absolute joy. They are quick learners and a lot of fun to work with. Spending time with family has been at the top of the list also during this in between time. I know that God has something in line for me I just hope and pray that I'm not too blind to see it when it's sitting right in front of me.

As for the rest of my B list here you are.....

* I think I'm terribly boring when it comes to conversing with others.
* I've been known to be boisterous

* My sister tells me I have a big mouth
* My all time favorite family recipe is broccoli and cheese casserole
* I went berry picking for the first time ever this summer down near Harpers Ferry.
* I'm going to Baltimore tomorrow to pick up my cousin after spending almost a month with our uncle's family in New Jersey.

* I love going barefoot.
* I'm incredibly blessed to have the family, friends, and faith that I have.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

A is for Anyways

So I'm going to do something slightly different here for the month of August. I'm doing an encyclopedia of me. Each day I'll share something different about me using the a letter of the alphabet. The idea came from a lovely blog belladia.

I know it's not the first of the month but I'm starting today anyways. So what can I tell you about me that starts with the letter A???

* I use the word "anyways" in conversation when I don't know what to say or I want to change the subject.
* I am an Art student

* I enjoy the Appalachian Trail very much
* I love adventures
* I just became an Aunt for the first time and I must say, it's awesome!

* A favorite author of mine is Jane Austin
* I love to sing the song Amazing Grace under bridges and in tunnels with anyone who will sing with me, I love making any sort of noise actually where there's interesting reverberations.

I'll be back tomorrow with the B's of me!