Saturday, February 21, 2009


I have been taking all sorts of trainings for work and learning how to be a better teacher and I have to say that it is exhilerating. You get so filled with new ideas and better understandings of how to help your children learn that it can be almost overhwleming. Today I spent eight hours with my lovely co-workers and a woman named Sue. She is so passionate about teaching and her passion just sort of spills over onto others. Just watching and listening to her made me wonder what I am passionate about. People like her inspire me so much and make me want to be a person who is contagious in the best possible way (I've had enough of the other kind of contagious going on at work lately).

What inspires you?

I am always looking for new ideas to work with my kids and I have to share this site that I absolutely loved, Imagine Childhood (found via The Crafty Crow and Soulemama). My favorite part of this blog are the amazing books to choose from. I am probably addicted to books. Yup, I'm definitely a life. If anyone tried to get me unhooked I'd probably kill myself but I don't think that will be a problem (can't believe I just went there on here, btw total joke in case you're sarcasm radar is broke).

So if you have any favorite books from when you were a kid I would love to hear what they are.