In case you didn't know this already I am a Pre-school teacher and my job entails playing with kids 5 days a week. Well this past week our lessons were on the weather and clouds. For a fun project we painted clouds on blue paper with white paint throughout the week and then today while my kids were taking their nap (which we do for 2 hours everyday and I must admit that this is such a wonderful thing not only for them but for me as well) my co-teacher and I hung up all of their paintings, as well as a few of our own, on the ceiling of our room so that when the kids woke up they'd be able to see all sorts of things in the clouds. We were going to have a day outside where we all lay in the grass and looked up to see what we could see but unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate. Don't get me wrong we had a couple beautiful days this week but either no clouds or clouds too big to picture anything, so we made our own sky filled with all sorts of creatures.
I loved (still love) to look up at the sky and make pictures out of the clouds. Even making up stories about what I saw up there. Just ask my friends, I think I've tortured them enough on our road trips where I tell stories about what I see in the sky (it's their own fault for having a sun roofs in their car).
If you get the chance spend some time outside now that the weather is getting nicer and enjoy the wonderful world above us. Oh and if the weather doesn't cooperate check out the book
Sector 7 by,
David Weisner from the library and enjoy his wonderful book (also check out
this one if you get the chance!).
To get started here some pictures for your imagination.......

Oh and just for fun some clothes on the line now that it's warm enough outside!